1_WorkReady School_Logo_Full Colour

We’re enrolling once again.


The Workready School is inviting you to become an ESP member…

So you can come, taste and see;


…And we can help you do same;

Even if you ;

  • Are a fresh graduate… an old graduate struggling in the labour market…or a stay-at-home mom.


  • Don’t have the best of results, a powerful certificate or you are not the most qualified for the job.


  • Struggle with interviews because these insane companies and employers are always on your neck.


  • Have to battle hundreds other job applicants who are ready to die for the same job.


  • Don’t have any connections with any top personnel or government officials.


Yes, even with all these conditions…

We’re telling you it’s perfectly possible to convince employers into blindly giving you the job. Even for raises & promotions.

And unfortunately it’s not bluff.

Shade, a fresh graduate who landed her first-ever internship through this program…

Felix a graduate who’s been into the labor market struggling with little pay, meagre jobs…until he enrolled in the ESP ;

Moyo, also landed a 6-figure job through the skills she learned in the ESP;

Grace, a stay-at-home mom got a job as a V.A. after a week of joining the ESP cohort…

I landed a job after reaching out to an employer after seeing his post about his unorganized mails…I’ve just learnt about email marketing & management in the ESP cohort, so I reached out.

Was so shocked when he agreed to consider my resume and now I’m working as his Virtual assistant.

All thanks to Nasa’s program.


See, all we’re saying is simple.

We know what it means to struggle for months looking for a good job…like good enough to pay the bills.

And that’s why we’re offering to equip you with the skills you need to succeed in the labor market.

The truth is, overrated CVs don’t work in the saturated labor market anymore.

Fancy tactics & back-door connections have stopped working too.

And how many recent graduates get jobs through connections or can pay for job staking in 2024?

Few. We all know they’re few.

And that’s why what we’re deciding to show you is not only rare.

But I mean, what if you could make employers beg to pay you handsomely…

Without having to pay anyone to pave a path for you or go the extra mile of seeking back-door connections?…

And not just that.

How about learning the very secrets NO UNIVERSITY/INSTITUTION teaches (and about 20 million unemployed youths don’t know either);

Alright, the last one sounds a bit intense, right? True.

But one thing we can assure you…
These are not over-the-top promises.

They are just skills – Employable skills you need.

Skills we’ve personally gathered in over 20 years

…of training & recruiting tens of thousands of graduates and job applicants like you.

After taking Nasa’s one-on-one coaching… my revamped CV landed me a job instantly after searching for years.

– Michael.

You see what I mean when I say they are just skills.

But skills top-level employers are looking for…

Skillsets that give you an edge in the job market and industry.

Read the page if you want every single piece of information. Or just scroll to the main details by clicking the button below.

But why SKILLS?

Just think about this.

Mr A finished his service (NYSC) 3 years ago.

Of course, he’s got a good result too, a 2’1…a smashing CV.


He’s handling other stuff by the side too to keep himself busy.

Online hustles, day jobs, and some other things to make sure he doesn’t feel the full meaning of the word “broke


Just enough to keep him feeding and going…

Till he lands the main thing.



The reason for the whole 4 years slavery in the first place (if not 7 or 8 years)


Mr A keeps searching in every nook and cranny for great jobs.

Every day it’s a different set, try or kill.

Countless interviews. It’s either he’s getting the ‘done for’ or ‘get back to you’ look in the office.


He doesn’t need to stare much…he knows the look immediately after he leaves the office or ends the online interview.


If it’s a Friday, he’s going drinking throughout the weekend just to relieve his shattered mind.


This is Mr A’s second year of job hunting.

The fact that there’re thousands of other Mr. As out there competing with him for similar jobs is only making matters worse.

  • Some Mr As are just finishing uni, new to the system.
    So they don’t know what’s involved or the processes in place.
  • Some As too have been in the game for quite a while to develop thick skin (3-10 yrs) searching for a good job.
  • Meanwhile, some As have given up on the whole process
    …They have families now, probably stay-at-home moms or struggling dads.

And there’s also a last variation of Mr A.

  • These already have jobs but remain stuck in the same position for years.


No movement. No progress. No promotion. Same pay.

The highest set of people who don’t wake up happy on a Monday morning to hit their office…it’s them.

Now you’ve seen the list.

Which Mr A are you?

While you answer that honestly, let me just reinform you that Nigeria has over 2 million Mr As on estimate.

The competition is much for few good jobs out there.


And even if you’ve got one, it’s really no good if you remain stuck forever.

And that’s the bigger problem coupled with depression, discouragement and constant disappointments.


Mr A’s path is too hard to follow if you ask me.

Especially when there’s another path.

You haven’t heard the full thing yet, have you?


There’s also a Mr B – Plot twist.

Now Mr B sets a plan to get his dream job (not just any job) in 6 months…

And he achieves it in set time.


He’s not working with luck and sheer opportunity.

He’s got everything really figured out in this system.

He doesn’t even want to stay in the same position in one company for more than 3 years…


Snaps his fingers, and he’s gotten a promotion with a doubled salary and extra incentives.

He gets tired of this company…gets another one ready to pay him even more for his worth.


There are very few Mr Bs in this country, probably even around the world.

Just a few who’ve been able to play into this red-sea job industry and become high earners and pros.


And you know what many Mr As don’t know about B?

It’s not jazz. Or even presumed luck or so-called destiny.

Just employable skills…the only key to this hardlock.

However if you already understand what employability skills are all about and want to get into the details of the ESP cohort

Employability Skills – The Foundation

I’m ChiNasa by name.

A rare and remarkable Human Resources Leader who has worked for over 2 decades in the Human Resources (HR).

In the Human Resources system, we help, train and recruit job applicants.


Helped in large recruitments for different big banks you know like Oceanic & GT bank.

The first Head of HR for your famous and most loved E-commerce store Jumia.

  • Helped over 100 people land their dream job.
  • Recruited over 10,000 job seekers.
  • Over 50 people earned promotions through my coaching.

But why exactly am I telling you all these?


It’s not just to prove that I’m excellent in what I do…which is actually the fact.


Instead to tell you how it all came about.

20 years of being in this industry…and I can tell you the reason why so many people are unemployed.


I’ve watched and heard dozens of interviews unfold.

Seen so many graduates or even stay-at-home parents look for jobs without cease.

Countless cases of people who’re just trying to get a promotion.


And I noticed the effort, struggles of individuals in this system.

But the off part was this.


I knew so many employers too. Big names.

I landed online gigs even in the COVID period.


I wondered what and why some people’s case were so different.

And I just had the nature to do some digging and find out why.

Always had a thing for helping out.


After I evaluated a lot of CVs and online presence of struggling job seekers…it started to click.

These guys didn’t have the juice at all!!


No spark or flare. Nothing interesting about their CVs.

Just the same boring CVs other people bring to the table and nothing extra.


Most of them lacked Employability Skills.


If you’re not familiar with this term, maybe you’ve come across it as soft skills or gain-in-demand skills.


However, these skills are that Extra-sauce to get a long stare instead of a boring look on your CV or profile.

Skills like;

    • Interviewing skill
    • Book-keeping
    • Computer skills
    • Resume writing skills
    • Linked in Positioning skills
    • Sales & marketing
    • Verbal communication

And so many more.

All these are needed to attract employers & retain their trust

…long enough to brainwash them into promotions.


I’ve seen them in action, used them, and also helped a lot of job applicants with these very skills.

I’m a young graduate who had looked for a job everywhere for a year.

I took Nasa’s coaching . Interviewing skills, cv revamp, linkedin optimization and I got a job within a few weeks working remotely for an international company as a training administrator.

The CV opened the door, when they checked me out on LinkedIn, my profile was good, I aced the interview and got the job.

– Daniel.

I’m over 40 yrs. I was into IT. Although my CV never showed my experience and skills and I haven’t worked in years…I was still looking for a job.

I left school over 15 years ago and had only 2 years of real work experience. All the odds were against me.

Until I met Coach Nasa. With her one-on-one training, her CV & LinkedIn revamp… I got a job with an oil company offshore after 6 months.

–  Uchenna

And I’ve helped over 100 of them like these…some landed their dream jobs immediately.

Some also landed jobs but are still working with me to land their dream job or even a classy promotion.



After I thought about all these and the achievements different people have gotten from me…

I said to myself. “Why not help more on a larger scale?”

And later this year I built the ESP (Employability Skills Program) just for this purpose;


To help You excel in the job industry and cover all your worries and issues when it comes to job seeking and promotions.

However if you already understand what employability skills are all about and want to get into the details of the ESP cohort

But…there’s always buts.

There’s just one belief system that eats up Nigerians.

There are no good jobs out there anyways

That’s what the system deceives you into believing.

The unemployment rate this year in this country dropped…it’s a Google-able fact.


But of course, it’s still Google though. It might not be a real fact.

Still, it doesn’t mean there are no good jobs or only the lucky ones (so-called connection people) get them.


This thinking alone has left so many people unemployed till now…because they don’t put in enough effort and yet blame it on the wrong thing.

If you’re one of them or you currently struggle with this mindset.


Let me clear your doubts.

I worked in several companies as a head of HR. I’ve also done large recruitments.

Over 10,000 as I said earlier.

Remember I could only be in one company’s branch at a time right?


So can you imagine how many HR agents we have in Nigeria and how many they’ve recruited over the years?

Their numbers are way bigger than mine.

I see people get hired daily. And it’ll never stop happening.

Because there are jobs, in fact, good ones.


So there you go.

I can assure you that there are great, high-paying jobs and you can take my word for it.

For most people, this mindset is the highest factor contributing to their unemployment…


And funny enough, they don’t even know.

This is the reason why, before getting into the details, I’d like to specify who this program is for…so you can see if you qualify.

Skip all these if you're convinced and get to the details of the ESP cohort.

This program isn't for you if;

– You’re someone who’s hellbent on the fact that they’re no good jobs – meaning that you’re not ready to put in any effort whatsoever to land jobs.

– You don’t have any passion to kickstart your career or excel in it.

– You believe in getting a job after one month of this program because you feel job seeking is a bed of roses.

– You think this program isn’t worth paying for because you can continue on your long process even if it takes you the next ten years to find a job.


If this is you in anyway…

You could stop reading here.

This program won’t benefit you.


However if you’re free from that list or in other words ready to discard the mindset you already have about this.

Who this program is for;

If you're one of the above, you can skip all these and get into the cohort details.

The ESP {Employability Skills Program} – One of a kind

Remember the Mr B we talked about earlier?

The only thing that set him apart from the variations of Mr A…was this program above.


But just come to think about it.

Imagine if you could actually ace each interview without sweating, stuttering or even stammering

…and make it look easy-peasy.


Or if you could win the heart of top-level employers with a single look at your CV, resume or LinkedIn profile.


That dream job that could keep you out of debts, borrowing or being broke


Imagine if you could finally lay your hands on that job.

Or better still…

What if you could just demand a promotion from your boss and after a 30-min meeting, your boss doesn’t any objections at all?

Victor got a promotion in a space of 3 months– C-Suite.

Nasa coached me to become a C-Suite Executive at my workplace.

She coached me for the last 6 months.

I met her to help me prepare for the next level of my career. I wanted to make C-Suite level.  


We sat down and crafted a plan. I stayed committed to his end of the plan.

In 3 months of coaching, I was ready, I went on to ask for a promotion.

She taught me everything so I knew exactly what to say for every objection the boss put up.


I was one of the 2 people promoted last year. In a year there was a freeze on promotion, I still got it.

I couldn’t believe it.

I did not believe fully her coaching and plan will work at first but he decided to trust her 100%.

And it was a huge shocker for me.


– Victor.

I’ve seen Nasa use her gift of teaching to help so many current employees I know.

She’s not just good at what she does…she’s too excellent.

You might ask how I know?


I was the Head of Finance for Jumia at the time she was their first Head HR.

I watched her over the years use her skills to help hundreds of job seekers land their jobs & promotions.

She’s just too good abeg.


– Chioma Founder-Accountinghub.

Well you can see that such imaginations aren’t far from possible.

I’ve made them happen. I’ve helped similar people achieve them individually for years now.

And now it’s the ESP (Cohort 3)

Believe me when I say…this is no ordinary cohort.

It’s not the kind you hear of or see on social media platforms…

It’s not a class or WhatsApp/Telegram meeting for discussion.

I’m practically gripping you firmly by the hand and showing you everything you need to know about job-seeking online & offline.

See it as a school you’ll attend for 3 weeks…

The one your university lecturers failed to teach you after spending 4-5 years.

The ESP cohort I’ve taken months to build…

Blending in my 20 years of;

  • Skill gain
  • Job acquisition
  • Work experience
  • Recruiting over 10,000 job seekers.

And the joint coaches with me who’ve gathered over 50 years of work experience in total…

Are ready to share every single thing they’ve learnt with you.

What are we going to be teaching you exactly?

See the results of some people who just graduated the first batch of the cohort some weeks ago;

Landed an internship through this program…

She got a job as a V.A after joining the ESP cohort…

I landed a job after reaching out to an employer after seeing his post about his unorganized mails…I’ve just learnt about email marketing & management in the ESP cohort, so I reached out.

Was so shocked when he agreed to consider my resume and now I’m working as his VA.

All thanks to Nasa’s program.
– Grace.

( Couldn’t get the screenshot, she shared this during a live call)

But you must be thinking…
What and what exactly are we going to be teaching you?


Details of everything you'll get.

All these will be covered in 3 weeks;

  • Learn the perfect mindset when it comes to job seeking

    And develop confidence that sets you as a pro no matter your work experience.

  • Interview Skills…
    Everything concerning interviews;
    – Preparation & presentation to stand out from others.

    – Rewriting your resume/CV to ace any interview

    – Other ways social media presence can help you qualify for any job.

  • Communication skills to boost your verbal, email communication, writing reports & minutes of meetings to impress your Employer.
  • Teach you how to sell yourself at any interview or promotions.
    – Equally learn how to sell your vision, idea, product or skills.
  • Computer & AI skills that give you an edge in the digital world we’re in…

    (The fastest means are surely the most valued nowadays.)

  • Accounting skills that gives you an increased trust from your company in any sense of business.
  • Workplace ethics & professionalism to increase your worth and ask for promotions easily…

This is the rough draft of each module;


All these 7 super modules worth of video, audio and written content…

Plus over 50 years working & coaching experience into this training.

2 super-successful coaches in different industries – Access to all their knowledge in the job system.

For cooler bonuses;

And a support system that will last till you get your desired job;

  • Answering all of your questions concerning anything
  • Helping you implement all you will learn.

And who knows, job opportunities will always come.


Being my student (a serious one indeed) is the highest reason for me to recommend you.

So definitely being on this cohort is a bonus for you. If I get calls from employers, rest assured you’ll be the first to know.


However I’m not promising you a job. I’m not promising you’ll get one immediately either.


But you can see what the ESP graduates are able to access from me;

Not bad right?


All these are purely factors dependent on you too.

I can teach you everything there is to know.


But if you don’t put yourself out there or aren’t as passionate about bettering your condition…

I can’t do anything about that. But however if you are ready and passionate for Change.


All I can say is 6 months is enough to turn your career around with this program…

If everything taught here, will be applied ruthlessly and consistently–You doing the bulk of the work as it is.

Nasa helped me set up a system which I followed rigorously for 3 months.

Wasn’t easy but I stayed focused…Until I landed a job. And I was forever grateful to for her ever stumbling on her in the first place and taking her coaching without wasting time.


– Matthew.

So if you’re ready to be committed and be a part of the ESP cohort;

What will it cost you - An arm and 2 legs?

Of course not.

However if you see it from the other side, it should.

Throughout your time schooling, you’ve spent roughly N1M- N5M in the university so far…if not more.


We’re not even talking time & effort you’ve spent into this tiresome process.

(Regardless of whether you studied in the present or past)

For the lecturers and hell of notes you copied. All for what?


To eventually get one good job or at least work in a good environment and company.

That’s not the case as it seems.

And just so you know, it’s intentional.


The universities or schools will never EVER teach you these skills.

So see it this way.

We’re shouldering everything covering that.


Giving you this highly valued information we’ve secretly gathered for years…that’ll eventually land you your dream job.

Helped Michael I mentioned earlier also land a foreign job.

Nasa isn’t just anyone out there.

Not just did she help me land a job…but my dream job.

A foreign job with a USD pay in fact.

Talk about comfort and everything I need.

Best part?

It’s an oil company.

I could never repay her for what she did for me.

The whole coaching, stress everything was worth it and for what I’ve gained…was really less in comparison.

Nasa is irreplaceable.

– Michael.

And guess what?
I know you must be thinking…


What if even with all your goodwill & effort you don’t land a high paying job immediately after my training and the ESP cohort?


Well, in that case I must assure you that you won’t stay broke after this program even if you aren’t employed yet.


I’m so confident of it…because of the value contained here( hope you saw the modules of the course earlier?)


These are skill sets that’ll print money for you regardless of whether you work for a company or not.

And besides that, see what some other job seekers like you had to say concerning the previous cohort;

These are possible due to the fact these skills give you the ability to venture into sales, digital marketing, graphics design and internet writing in general and so on.


So whether you like it or not, you can’t remain broke after this program…at least if you implement even a little of what you’ll learn.

And bear in mind, the program lasts only 3 weeks.


So, would it be that bad to pay 200k for such a training…compared to your 4yrs of education that’s not capable of securing you a job?

Probably not.


Considering the value you’re receiving and the fact that you can’t get this ANYWHERE.

However you’re not getting this even close to that price


This is how it works…

1) You'll be able to get access to the Employability Skills Program with a one-time payment of N32,000


This offer isn’t going to remain open for long.

So if you’re still overthinking it…


Have these 3 things in mind;


    1. The value you’re gettin’ is way too much for this little price.

      If the cost of a better living, great job and financial flex isn’t enough drive to pay for this ESP cohort…then I can’t do anything to help you.

  1. Don’t think the timer you saw at the top of the sales page is for fancy.
    The next time you’ll see this cohort open again might be at an increased enrollment fee.

    If you’ve seen this page earlier this year while enrolling the second batch, you should’ve figured it’s gone up already:)

  2. We just need a specific & small number of people – 200 at most.


That’s the capacity our school can take for this batch.


But let me inform you that over 50 people are in as we speak…and we can’t basically rewrite this page every time someone pays.

It’ll be closed once we’ve gotten this number…even if it’s before the of January.

I don’t have the time & effort to teach so many people atm.


I also have a successful job and career that keeps me occupied. Coupled with current clients at the moment.

So you can see why I need a small number of serious-minded people.


–Just people I can carry along and attend to without it ruining my schedule or other businesses

Once more talking about the value you’re getting from this 2-week training…

I’ve done a live webinar in the past for 30 minutes.

Just 30 minutes.

This is what they had to say;

Untitled design (1)

Other Frequently Asked Questions

We’re enrolling the third batch of the cohort at the moment which will run from July 8th till July 28th.

No. There’s no refund or money back guarantee.

Fully aware of what I bring to the table (if you already know me or at least read the sales page)

If you feel there should be a refund because you’re dissatisfied with the results of the cohort…

…Then we can offer you special attention.

But as a school, we don’t do refunds. At least not now.

Most times the ESP students are always serious minded and committed people who want to get the value of their money back, succeed at all costs.

So they put in a ton of work and follow up on everything…

This is the case with all the testimonials you’ve already read through the course of this page so far, even the one below;

I had to consistently follow everything Nasa told me & trained me to do for 6 months before I got a promotion.

At some point I doubted if it’ll work…but I just decided to trust her completely and put in more work.

Now I’m really happy with what I mean + the extra incentives

– Victor.

If you doubt the power of mentorship/cohorts as much as you require a money-back guarantee.

Have it in mind, we don’t offer such.


But if you’re ready to put in the work and apply everything shared on the ESP cohort, you’ll definitely see similar results.

Of course. 

Paystack and Flutterwave are acceptable worldwide.


And any cards Visa, Mastercard, Verve…are suitable for payment.


If you also prefer a direct transfer to our account…there’s also such an option on the payment page.

Remember it’s a 3-week program.

So we used a learning tool called Thinkific – an interesting and engaging platform to build courses and modules….

Something sure to help you enjoy and remember each of the lessons.

And our support system Telegram for networking, questions and everything related to such.

No. This feature isn’t available at the moment.

Pay in full and secure your spot.

Yes, it does. The 7 modules are 100% online and self-paced. You can watch them anytime. You have a one-year access.

The Saturday review sessions will also be recorded.

No. You can take your classes on a mobile phone.

Yes, the School issues certificates to every participant who completes the Course and does the official sign-off.

The program is designed to be flexible and self-paced.

Students can learn at their own convenience and complete the courses based on their schedules.

However, there might be recommended timelines to help students stay on track.

This program is open to all students, regardless of their educational background or level.

It is suitable for high school students, stay at home mums, university students, and even working professionals looking to enhance their employability skills.


No, we are not able to manage this process at this time, we however know that employers have indicated interest in what the school is doing and would in future recruit from our pool of graduates.

Also as you get equipped with the skills you will learn at the school, you will become more likely to get your dream job and excel in your career.

I'm convinced now. I want to pay for the cohort entry now

More on what successful coaches and entrepreneurs have to say about me and the quality of my work & skill;

The list goes on.
Ready to take one more risk before the year runs out?
This is IT. Except that this one might be the turn-around for 2024.
Only you can make it count.

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