WorkReady FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this program?

There are no specific prerequisites for enrolling in this program. It is open to beginners as well as individuals with some prior knowledge of employability skills.

Can I pay now?

Yes, you can pay now. You can pay at any time. Just email us at with proof of payment and let us know which cohort you are enrolling for. Click this link to make payment. Pay Here

I work full-time, does this Course fit for me?

Yes, it does. The 7 modules is 100% online and self-paced. You can watch them anytime. You have a one-year access. The Saturday review sessions will also be recorded.

Must I take my classes on a computer?

No. you can take your classes on a mobile phone.

Will there be a Certificate?

Yes, the School issues certificates to every participant who completes the Course and does the official sign-off

Can I pay in installments?

Yes, you can. Click here to read about paying in installments.

Is this program self-paced, or are there specific deadlines for completing the courses?

The program is designed to be flexible and self-paced. Students can learn at their own convenience and complete the courses based on their schedules. However, there might be recommended timelines to help students stay on track.

Who can participate in this program?

This program is open to all students, regardless of their educational background or level. It is suitable for high school students, stay at home mums, university students, and even working professionals looking to enhance their employability skills.

Will the School help me find jobs?

No, we are not able to manage this process at this time, we however know that employers have indicated interest in what the school is doing and would in future recruit from our pool of graduates. Also as you get equipped with the skills you will learn at the school, you will become more likely to get your dream job and excel in your career.

Workready school is an online school that teaches you everything you need to be a great employee, to find a job, to keep a job and grow your career. Our flagship program is called employability skills program (ESP). The ESP program is designed to give you skills that you need to stand out in the crowd of people vying for the same jobs or business

9B Awori Street Dolphin Estate Ikoyi, Lagos Nigeria.

+234 803 8346 373

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